Use the resources below to complete your Primary Source Analysis project!
This site includes the full text for the Salem Great Lives in History and Great Events in History, as well as for Milestone Documents of American History and of American Leaders.
The searchable Encyclopaedia Britannica, combined with web sites, periodical articles, images, video and more.
Credo is an easy-to-use tool for starting research. Gather background information on your topic from hundreds of full-text encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, quotations, and subject-specific titles, as well as 500,000+ images and audio files and over 1,000 videos. Links to other library online reference sites are included on the search results page and include Oxford University Press reference tools, links to our catalog, Britannica online, Salem History and many many more.
Click HERE to see a clickable list of our online periodicals and newspapers, along with user names and passwords for access.