The library subscribes to several ebook collections. Use the links below or search the library catalog to find ebooks on your subject.
Access to the School Collection, a growing database of e-books for high school curricula. Allows simultaneous access to titles.
Collection of over 9000 full text books. Use the emote access passwords below to access these titles from home.
A not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive of over 1,000 academic journals and other scholarly content.
Oxford Scholarship Online is a vast and rapidly expanding cross-searchable library which offers quick and easy access to partial and full text of over 8,000 Oxford academic monographs in 20 subject areas. JBS has full access to Classical Studies, History, Political Science and Religion holdings. Contact the library to find out about full access to unavailable titles.
Click HERE to see a clickable list of our online periodicals and newspapers, along with user names and passwords for access.