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Hagerman - Hamlet Playbill Project: Home

A guide to image use, searches, and research for your Hamlet Playbill Project.


Welcome to the libguide for your Hamlet Playbill Project!

Use the home page to find databases and other websites to help you find images to use throughout your playbill. Resources for citing images may be found on the left, art databases in the center, and art museum collections on the right.

Citing Images:

Most databases provide a citation for images or articles. However, if you get an image off the web, you'll want to cite it using the Chicago citation style since you are using the image in a Humanities class. You must cite the original location for the photo; never cite Google! Here are some examples: 

Last, First M. Photograph Title. Month Date, Year Created. Collection, Museum/Institution, Location. Accessed Month Date, Year. URL.

Cartier-Bresson, Henri. Juvisy, France. 1938. Museum of Modern Art, New York City.

Caravaggio, The Denial of Saint Peter. Early 15th century. Oil on canvas, 94 x 125.4 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. From: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, (accessed September 29, 2009).

Thomas Eakins, William Rudolf O'Donovan. 1981, Black and white photographic print, 6 x 8 cm. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Available from: Flickr Commons,
2547841439 (accessed September 29, 2009).

Art Databases

Citing Play Productions:

Using databases from off campus

Click HERE to see a clickable list of our online periodicals and newspapers, along with user names and passwords for access.

Art Museum Collections