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10th grade Term Paper: Print Reference Books


Here is a list of suggested general print resources, which all can be found in the Reference section. Ask a librarian if you are having trouble finding a book!

  1. REF 322.103 ENCYC Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion
  2. REF 325.303 COLON Colonialism : an international social, cultural, and encyclopedia        
  3. REF 330.03 OXFOR The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History
  4. REF 382.03 ENCYC Encyclopedia of world trade : from ancient times to the present
  5. REF 903 ENCYC Encyclopedia of World History
  6. REF 909 HISTO History in Dispute
  7. REF 909 WORLD World History Encyclopedia
  8. REF 909.703 ENCYC Encyclopedia of the age of political revolutions and new ideologies, 1760-1815
  9. REF 909.82 ENCYC Encyclopedia of Conflicts Since World War II
  10. REF 910.03176 CAMBR The Cambridge history of Islam
  11. REF 940.02 CHRON Chronology Of European History, 15,000 B.C. To 1997
  12. REF 940.2 CAMBR The New Cambridge modern history
  13. REF 940.2303 ENCYC Encyclopedia of the Renaissance
  14. REF 940.25 ENCYC The Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment
  15. REF 940.303 WORLD World War I : encyclopedia
  16. REF 940.53 ENCYC The Encyclopedia of World War II
  17. REF 941.00321 OXFOR The Oxford Companion To British History
  18. REF 950 ENCYC Encyclopedia of Asian History
  19. REF 951.03 CAMBR The Cambridge History of China
  20. REF 954.003 ENCYC Encyclopedia of India
  21. REF 956.003 ENCYC The Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa
  22. REF 956.015 AGOST Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire
  23. REF 960.03 ENCYC The Encyclopedia of African History
  24. REF 960.03 ENCYC Encyclopedia Africana

Here are a few print resources for topics that are biographical in nature. These are located in the Reference section. Ask a librarian if you are having trouble finding a book!

  1. REF 109 WORLD World Philosophers and their works
  2. REF 920 MAXWE Chronicle of the Popes by P.G. Maxwell-Stuart
  3. REF 947 WARNE Chronicle of the Russian Tsars by David Warne
  4. REF 951.009 PALUD Chronicle of the Chinese Emperors by Ann Paludan

The print resources below can be helpful for topics centering on women. They can be found in the Reference area or regular nonfiction shelves. Ask a librarian if you are having trouble finding a book!

  1. 305.4094 ANDER A History of their own: women in Europe from prehistory to the present
  2. 305.4094 HISTO A History of Women in the West
  3. 305.4094 HUFTO The Prospect Before Her: A History of Women in Western Europe
  4. REF 305.4203 OXFOR The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History
  5. REF 303.484 RAPPA Encyclopedia of women social reformers by Helen Rappaport
  6. REF 920.72 JACKS Women Who Ruled by Guida M. Jackson
  7. REF 920.72 NOTAB Notable Women In World Government
  8. REF 920.72 NORTO The Norton Book Of Women's Lives
  9. REF 920.7203 EXTRA Extraordinary women of the Medieval and Renaissance world : a biographical dictionary by Carole Levin
  10. 940 GROSS Women in Medieval and Renaissance Europe by Susan Hill Gross
  11. REF 940.099 JACKS Women Rulers Throughout The Ages; An Illustrated Guide by Guida Jackson-Laufer

If your topic has a religious aspect, the materials below may be helpful. These print materials can be found in the Reference area or regular nonfiction shelves. Ask a librarian if you are having trouble finding a book!

  1. REF 200.3 ENCYC The Encyclopedia of Religion
  2. 270 SCHAF History of the Christian Church by Philip Schaff
  3. REF 291.1 ENCYC The Encyclopedia of Religion and War by Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez
  4. REF 305.892 ANTIS Antisemitism: a historical encyclopedia of prejudice and persecution
  5. REF 322.103 ENCYC Encylopedia of Politics and Religion by Robert Wuthnow
  6. 909.04924 SACHA A history of the Jews in the modern world
  7. REF 940.5318 NIEWY The Columbia guide to the Holocaust by Donald Niewyk
  8. REF 940.5318 COMPL The Complete history of the Holocaust by Mitchell Bard

If your topic includes a battle, war or any aspect of the military, take a look at the books below. They can be found in the Reference area or regular nonfiction shelves. Ask a librarian if you are having trouble finding a book!

  1. REF 341.37 PHILL Encyclopedia of Historical Treaties and Alliances by Charles Phillips
  2. 355 KEEGA A History of Warfare by John Keegan
  3. REF 355.002 GLOBA Global Chronology of conflict: from the ancient world to the modern Middle East
  4. REF 355.003 ENCYC Encyclopedia of Wars
  5. REF 355.009 BLACK Warfare; Renaissance to revolution by Jeremy Black
  6. 355.009 DELBR History of the art of war within the framework of political history by Hans Delbruck
  7. REF 355.009 DUPUY The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History: from 3500 B.C. to the present
  8. REF 355.009 GABRI Empires at war : a chronological encyclopedia by Richard Gabriel
  9. REF 355.403 JAQUE Dictionary of battles and sieges : a guide to 8,500 battles from antiquity through the twenty-first century
  10. REF 355.4403 DAVIS Besieged : an encyclopedia of great sieges from ancient times to the present by Paul K. Davis
  11. 359.009 FIGHT Fighting techniques of naval warfare, 1190 BC-present : strategy, weapons, commanders, and ships
  12. REF 625.409 WEAPO Weapons and Warfare
  13. REF 904.5 DAVIS 100 Decisive Battles; From Ancient Times to the Present by Paul K. Davis
  14. REF 904.7 HOGG Battles; a concise dictionary by Ian Hogg
  15. 909 CREAS Fifteen Decisive Battles by Edward Creasey
  16. 909 FULLE A Military History of the Western World by J. F. C. Fuller
  17. REF 909.82 WORLD World Conflicts And Confrontations
  18. REF 940.30202 BURG Almanac of World War I by David F. Burg
  19. REF 940.303 WORLD World War I : encyclopedia
  20. REF 940.53 ENCYC Encyclopedia of World War II
  21. REF 940.5303 NOLAN Concise Encyclopedia of World War II
  22. REF 940.54 SECON The Second World War
  23. REF 951.9042 ENCYC Encyclopedia of the Korean War : a political, social, and military history by Spencer Tucker
  24. 956.05 MIDDLE The Middle East
  25. REF 959.7043 ANDER The Columbia guide to the Vietnam War by David Anderson
  26. REF 959.7043 YOUNG The Vietnam War : a history in documents by Marilyn Young

Why use books?

It is tempting to go straight to Google and search for all of your resources online, but that would be a mistake.  In fact, it would also be a mistake to find all of your resources using the many databases we subscribe to at JBS. Why? Well, the most important reason is one of quality control. When you are looking for factual resources, a book can be a good place to go because it has been edited, reviewed and fact-checked before being published by a reputable publisher.  For you, the student, this saves you the effort of deciding if a book source is of good quality - you only have to decide if it is useful for your paper.

Another reason is that web pages, and sometimes even database resources, can give you material in a non-linear format where you click through from one page to another, and can easily miss the connecting narrative and framework for your topic. Books can give you a better overview of a topic than periodical articles, and can also provide more indepth information than many periodical articles.

Print books v. Ebooks

Do you have to use only books you can find in the stacks at our library? No! We have a number of databases that offer full digital text of actual books, or what librarians call "print equivalent". These are the same books that you would find on the shelf except that they are in a digital format and can be more easily searched.

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